There are many situations in which you may need a valuation.
Regardless of the reason, our experts will professionally examine your item and share their expertise.
Take and upload photos of the item from all possible sides and angles. Prepare a description, pay close attention to details, signatures, characteristics, condition. For a single valuation, send photos and a description of only one item. Try to provide the best photo quality possible.
The photos and description go directly to an expert specializing in a given category. Based on their knowledge and experience, the expert prepares a detailed analysis and valuation of your item. The whole process takes about 48 hours.
You will receive an e-mail notification when your valuation is ready to the address provided during the registration process. The PDF file will contain a report on the history of your item and its value. The ready valuation certificate can be downloaded and used whenever needed.
When getting your first valuation, you will set up your individual account. Thanks to the account you can have constant access to all your valuations. Your valuation catalogue is archived and securely stored in your account.
The report contains a detailed opinion of your item. The experts who create your report have specialist knowhow, many years of experience and knowledge of the market.
You can download PDF file with the report in the form of a certificate from your account. You can print it and show it when making a sale. It provides important and reliable confirmation of the value of your item.
No, we do not buy items from our clients. We believe that if we started to make purchases, it would jeopardize our objectivity and could negatively affect the precision of our valuation. Throughout the process, we want to remain as objective as possible and we are proud of a completely impartial approach to each of your items. Thanks to this we can provide the most precise and professional valuation.
The valuation you receive within 48 hours after submitting your application is an estimate of the auction price. This is a price range that, according to our experts, could be achieved by your item if you auctioned it the same day.
The first step after uploading the photos is entering detailed information about the item and choosing the category to which the subject should be assigned. If you do not see a fitting category for your item please contact us via the Contact tab, where you will be able to send us a message. Give us as much information as possible – the more details we receive, the more accurate the valuation will be. Dimensions, unique features, signatures, condition and origin (the history of ownership of an object) are the key information we need. Any other information will also be appreciated. We are always happy to read the item’s stories! If you don’t know much about the object, don’t worry – we’re here to help you!
Yes, our system works only if you upload a photo or provide us with a link to a website with the photos of the item. The better the image quality, the more accurately we can value your item. If there is a signature, unique features or a caption on it, also send a clear photo with a close up of this element. If you do not have a good quality photo, but you have an old auction link, such as the sales number, batch and date, we can use this to provide you with a valuation based on archive data. It may take slightly longer than the standard 48 hours that we normally guarantee, but we ensure you that we do everything in our power to meet the standard deadline. You can also add any links that you think may affect the valuation.
You will receive an e-mail notifying you that your valuation is available on your account. You will be able to download the PDF file from your account as many times as you need. It’s an easy-to-print A4 document that you can even frame!
No, valuation time is up to 2 business days.